Jane Friedman
Framed foliage, fronds & flora
Why I Frame Foliage, Fronds and Flora
A long-yearned-for autumn trip through New York State in 2014 inspired me to frame leaves.
Collecting resplendent leaves, seeds, pods and flowers has been a lifelong ritual. Foliage from maples, ginkgoes, ashes, hawthorns, aspens and more reposed in heavy books, happily surprising me as they occasionally tumbled out seasons or years later.
But in New York State my leaves were gingerly pressed between newspaper pages that grew, figuratively, tall as mighty oaks. A spontaneous exuberant cry, “They’re so beautiful, other people have to appreciate them too!” sparked an intense desire to move them center stage.
Today vibrant, muted, mottled, distorted and even perfect omni-color leaves conveying attitude, whimsy or grace rest in a range of hanging and tabletop frames. May they soothe and delight you.